How to make a multi-plant pot?
Unlike our natural ecosystems, our house plants are usually a single species in each pot; whilst this is great to maximise the growth of these plants, it does reduce the biodiversity within your home environment. The idea of a multi-plant pot is to create a biodiverse plant pot, with varieties of different species growing together. This plant pots can be any size, but to feature a larger range, the pot needs to be bigger.
Finding complimenting plants to put with your feature is important. I find that succulents go well with other succulents, grasses go well with ferns, and smaller flowering plants go with larger ones. If you have a large feature plant, such as a Monstera Deliciosa, you will want it to have its own pot. However, if it is something like a succulent, eg. Crassula, you may want to pair it with another succulent.
How to make a multi-plant pot:
Find your feature plant!
Find a large pot and fill it with soil. You can create your own mix with our products here.
Make your arrangement, be sure to take pictures when you are done!
Don’t forget to show us your creations, and we would love to feature them on our Instagram.
Plant love,